Welcome to EastArk Enterprises!
"Fostering Independence"
Program Description / Overview
EastArk provides services for citizens with developmental disabilities in Arkansas.
The goal is for each participant to gain independent living skills and become a selfsupporting, productive member of society.
Our Mission
EastArk is dedicated to developing and improving individualized strategies designed to allow citizens with developmental disabilities complete access to community life.
The basic concept of EastArk Enterprises is that all people, regardless of individual differences and intellectual abilities, have an inalienable right to an education and vocational program which Is consistent with their needs and helps them to achieve their maximum potential. EastArk Enterprises therefore seeks to provide the best possible education and vocational opportunity for individuals with developmental disabilities in the state of Arkansas so that it may fulfill its major responsibility, the fullest development of these human resources. EastArk Enterprises provides prevocational and vocational skills training for individuals with disabilities. The goal is to maximize the growth and development of each individual that passes through the program. EastArk Enterprises helps adults learn the skills that provide them the opportunity to become self sufficient members of the community.